(continued from Remove or Attach Service Options)

Extend/Add to Allocation

To add to or extend a period that the allocation is available for, the ‘Alter Days’ function can be used.

If allocations are offered on an annual basis, do not create a new allocation per year – simply extend the existing allocation.

Select the allocation to be extended and click the Allocation Unit (‘Room’) in the sidebar menu to display the allocation.

Screen Shot 132: Extend/Add To Allocation - Alter Days


Click the ‘Alter Days’ button . This will re-page the ‘Insert Days screen as previously seen when creating the allocation (see Screen Shot 125: Allocations - Insert Allocation Days Dialogue).


Screen Shot 133: Extend/Add To Allocation - Insert Days

The procedure for extending the allocation from this point on is exactly the same. The Allocation Splits used in the original allocation default into the Insert Days dialogue.

Date From/To (Date)

These dates can be altered here if necessary.

Apply To (Checkboxes)

Uncheck any days of the week to which this allocation does not apply.

Sub Allocation (Dropdown)

Double-click in this field to display a list of previously defined Allocation Splits (Sub Allocations) and select the required one from the list.

Unit Type (Dropdown)

Double-click in this field to display a list of previously defined Allocation Units and select one from the list.

Max (Numeric 6.0)

Enter the maximum allocation quantity (e.g. number of rooms).

Release (Numeric, 6.0)

Enter the release period prior to use (in days).

RQ (Checkbox)

Check this box if the allocation is available to be sold on Request if all allocation has been used or is unavailable.

Delete (Checkbox)

This check box is used when an existing allocation is to be deleted.

Screen Shot 134: Extend/Add To Allocation - Insert Days – Completed Dialogue.


When the Insert Days screen has been completed, click the OK button to save the allocation


To Cancel extending the allocation, click the Cancel button.

(continued in Change Allocation Quantities / Release Period)